July 26, 2024 UMD Home NanoCenter FabLab


Focus Ion Beam (FIB) is an extremely useful and powerful tool in physical/materials science, engineering, biological and medical sciences research. The AIM Lab at NanoCenter will be offering a short course in FIB during this summer break (July 2023) using our new Tescan dual beam FIB/SEM system. The short course provides an introduction to the FIB for those with little or no prior experience. This course covers basic principles and knowledge of operating the FIB. In addition to lectures, there will be an emphasis on laboratory exercises that focus on instrument operation and practical applications.

Date: June 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2023
Lecture: 9:30 to 11:30 am.
Room: 1207 (Large Conference Room) in IREAP, ERF Build.
Laboratory: Two hours/group/day (4 days, June 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2023)
Lab: FIB facility, Room 1237E, Kim Building
Limit: Maximum enrollment is 9 (3 lab groups, 2/3 persons per group)
Fee: $465 per person, $400 per person from the same research group. Fees for non-UMD participants will be different. Please check with the AIM Lab office.
Prerequisite: Must have SEM experience or permission from instructor.

To enroll, please fill out the application form and submit to AIM Lab office (1234 Kim Building) by 5:00 pm, Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Students accepted into the class will be informed by email by Saturday (06/24/2023).

For more information regarding the FIB short course, please contact Wen-An Chiou at AIM Lab, or 301-405-0541, or send an e-mail to wachiou@umd.edu.

2023 Summer FIB Short Course Enrollment Form

Colleges A. James Clark School of Engineering
The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

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