March 12, 2025 UMD Home NanoCenter FabLab NispLab
  1. Register on our website

    The Equipment Scheduler system is integrated with this website allowing 24/7 access to make reservations.

    If you haven't already done so, please register on the website. This registration will be used to make your reservations.

    Make sure to request access for each lab you plan on using.

    Click here to Register

  1. Set up your billing accounts

    Billing information is required prior to making any reservations or working in our labs.

    Internal Users

    If you are a UMD faculty, researcher, or student, please print, sign and return this document regarding FRS account information.

    Internal User Sign Up Form

    External Users

    If you are a non-UMD faculty, researcher, or student, government, or industry member, then please print, sign and return this document regarding your billing account information.

    External User Sign Up Form

  1. Training

    Each lab requires some basic user training on the safety policies and standard procedures.

    Additionally, some tools will require training and authorization before being allowed to schedule time and use by yourself.

    Contact the lab staff to schedule your training sessions.

NanoCenter Group NanoCenter

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