March 25, 2025 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

Dr. Sang Bok Lee

NanoCenter Director
Dr. Sang Bok Lee

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Sang Bok Lee has been selected to serve as the next director of the University of Maryland NanoCenter (which includes the FabLab and AIMLab). Prof. Lee's 5-year term will begin on July 1, 2018. Prof. Lee will be replacing Gary Rubloff, who has led the University of Maryland NanoCenter since its inception in 2004.

Sang Bok Lee studied Chemistry at Seoul National University, receiving the Ph.D. in 1997. He worked in nanolithography at LG Semiconductor as a Senior Research Engineer, and as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Florida before joining the faculty at the University of Maryland in 2002 where he is currently Professor and Associate Chair of Graduate Studies in the Department of Chemistry, and the Deputy Director of the DOE-funded Energy Frontier Research Center (Nanostructures for Electrical Energy Storage.)

Prof. Lee's research activities range from nanobiotechnology to energy storage technologies, including the electrochemical synthesis and characterization of meso-architectures, and the physical and chemical properties of porous nanostructures.


Message From the Director

Both nano and the NanoCenter have changed markedly since we started the NanoCenter in 2004. Spurred by the excitement of nanoscience, a wide range of "nanoconstructs" have paved the way to new domains of science, technology, and applications, enabled by advances in instrumentation and processing that allow us to synthesize, manipulate and measure on tiny length scales. In important areas from nanoparticle-based medical therapies to nanostructures for energy, the integration of nanotechnologies into systems is already pointing the way to genuine societal and economic benefit.

The NanoCenter plays a multifaceted and effective role in exploiting what nano has to offer. We are fortunate to have an infrastructure (FabLab clean room, AIMLab microscopy suites, and related facilities) and highly skilled technical staff that enable top-notch research advances by our faculty and students, as well as outside users. The Center stimulates and enables the development of major Federally-funded research programs across the campus, and functions as a central gateway for outsiders to the scientific talents of more than 80 faculty research groups.

We welcome your interest and collaboration with the NanoCenter.

Past Directors

Gary W. Rubloff, Director 2004-2018

Dr. Rubloff is the founding director of the Maryland NanoCenter which he began in 2004 and served until 2018. He continues as a Minta Martin Professor of Engineering, with a joint appointment in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Institute for Systems Research.

Colleges A. James Clark School of Engineering
The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

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