March 26, 2025 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

What is the travel award?

One of the goals of the Cooperative Program is to support U.S. Industrial, University, and Government research communities in the use of the NIST Nanofabrication facility and the PML Collaborative Research Facilities. To help new users establish a working relationship with the PML, the Cooperative Program will provide competitively awarded travel grants for approved users of the NIST Nanofab and PML facilities.

Award amounts will be provided to cover up to $1000 of travel and local expenses for researchers traveling beyond a normal commuting distance to use the NIST Nanofab and PML facilities. Highest consideration for awards will be given to first-time users, to scientists at the early stages of their careers, and for expenses related to graduate student use of the facilities.


To apply for a travel award please:

  1. Begin filling in the on-line application form.
  2. Email a completed copy of your NIST Nanofab Project Proposal Form to Roxanne Defendini,
  3. Email a copy of your Project Proposal Approval Letter to Roxanne Defendini,

Notification of travel awards will be made on a monthly basis.

Submitting / Editing

You can edit your application at a later date once more details have been figured out. Your application will be saved once you click the submit button.

Submit Travel Grant Application

Colleges A. James Clark School of Engineering
The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

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