March 25, 2025 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

NanoCenter Shared Labs are open facilities, staffed by highly experienced NanoCenter personnel, for UMD and outside users who register, follow prescribed training and safety procedures, and provide account information for paying user fees through UMD accounts or external purchase orders. Companies, government labs, and universities are welcome. Over 80 pieces of equipment are available. The online scheduler enables equipment to be reserved ahead of time, provides billing information to faculty and other PI's fortheir accounts, and enables them to control access of their accounts to users in their groups.


FabLab is a large cleanroom facility for materials synthesis, device fabrication at nano- and micro- scales, and characterization, supporting research with a broad set of materials from semiconductors to soft and bio materials.


AIMLab features state-of-art electron microscopy instruments (TEM, SEM, FIB) for high resolution characterization of materials and structures.

Colleges A. James Clark School of Engineering
The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

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