Search results for: Zhang Celebrating Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American Engineers Safe Lithium Batteries Get a Boost New Electrolyte Design Could be the Answer for Safer Rechargeable Batteries even in Extreme Cold Selected Publications from NanoCenter's AIM Lab and FabLab Attoh-Okine Named UMD CEE Chair Metallic Nanoarcs are Ready to Shine Legacy through Impact: Dr. Darryll J. Pines Clark School Engineers Create Solutions for a Crisis What’s Next for Next-Gen Batteries? Perfect Quantum Portal Emerges at Exotic Interface Sculpting Super-Fast Light Pulses Wood-based Technology Creates Electricity from Heat Maryland Transportation Institute announces Seed Grant winners NanoCenter Hot Papers Newsletter, Issue 1: ALD Scientists Develop First Fabric to Automatically Cool or Insulate Depending on Conditions UMD ARPA-E Innovations transitioning to commercial reality Clark School Researchers Recognized for Exceptional Inventions 2018 ARPA-E Summit to Showcase UMD Innovations 2018 Engineering Sustainability Day UMD Researchers Focus Energy on Current Collector Improvements MSE Grad Student Wins 1st Place in Poster Competition at Optics & Photonics Conference UMD engineers invent the first bio-compatible, ion current battery MSE Research Team Wins Seed Grant Funding for Novel Sensor Technology NSF Funds Novel Research to Create Scalable Wireless Networking, Averting Usage Crisis Atomic Layer Deposition: Precise Control Smaller than the Eye Can See UMD Clark School Highlights Disaster Resilience at Mpact Week New UMD Synthesis Method May Shape Future of Nanostructures, Clean Energy Self-Correcting, “Perfect Fault” Crystals May End Dropped Calls Nano ?Beads on a String? Could Advance Battery Technology NanoCenter Members Present Papers at Upcoming APS Meeting in Baltimore Seven NanoCenter Members Named 2013 Future Faculty Fellows Controlling chemistry improves potential of carbon nanotubes Dean's Doctoral Research Awards Announced Revolutionary New Solution for Semiconductor & Nano Materials |
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