July 27, 2024 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

During the 2022–23 basketball season, the Big Ten Network featured Maryland Engineering during Terp basketball broadcasts.

From laser cutters capable of cutting steel to liquid resin 3-D printers, students and researchers have the tools to take their ideas from concept to fully functional product in Terrapin Works’ Advanced Fabrication Lab, which is among a community of campus makerspaces that has earned Maryland recognition as one of the nation’s “best maker schools.”

Learn more about Terrapin Works

Within the Maryland Robotics Center’s Robotics and Autonomy Lab, located inside the new E.A. Fernandez IDEA Factory, students and faculty design, build, test, and experiment with a range of robots, including “Spot” the robotic dog and “Husky,” a 4-wheel mobile platform. The center also supports research on autonomous navigation, from drones to unmanned scooters.

Learn more about the Maryland Robotics Center

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