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Herbert Rabin Distinguished Professor and NanoCenter member Reza Ghodssi (ECE/ISR) is the principal investigator for a $250,000 FY2009 Maryland Nanobiotechnology Research and Industry Competition Grant. The Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) and the Maryland Biotechnology Center, Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED) announced the awards on June 4.

?A Micro-Direct Methanol Fuel Cell with Nanostructured Platinum Catalysts Using the Tobacco Mosaic Virus? will develop fuel cells with surface area nano-structured electrodes using the Tobacco mosaic virus. The TMV is a high aspect ratio plant nanostructure which can be genetically modified to include functional groups that facilitate electroless metal deposition and self-assembly onto gold surfaces. This biotemplating process has been integrated with standard micro-machining for the development of micro-fabricated batteries.

Co-PIs are Assistant Professor Chunsheng Wang (ChBE), also a NanoCenter member, and Professor Jim Culver at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute?s Center for Biosystems Research.

The grant is one of 12 awards totaling nearly $3 million in research funding. This is the first time Maryland has conducted a statewide nanobiotechnology research grants competition. Nanobiotechnology is the revolutionary application of life sciences manufacturing, diagnostics, and delivery at the atomic level that has the potential to dramatically reshape the biotechnology industry.

?These grants are an important part of our long-term strategy for growing Maryland?s bioscience industry, creating jobs, and positioning Maryland as a national leader in bio and life sciences,? said Governor Martin O?Malley.

June 8, 2009

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