July 26, 2024 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

Associate Professor Benjamin Shapiro (BioE/ISR) and ISR Associate Research Scientist Didier Depireux recently have teamed up on several research grants related to delivering drug therapies to the inner ear. This is a new collaborative area for the two ISR researchers.

? A $50K, one-year University of Maryland Vice President for Research Seed Grant, ?Magnetically Delivering Therapies to Inner Ear Diseases.?

? A $100K, 16-month Maryland Industrial Partnerships Program (MIPS) grant, ?Magnetic Therapy Injection to Treat Hearing Loss.?

? A $5K, four-month I Rutel (OUHSC) subaward, ?Magnetic Injector for Targeted Delivery of Therapeutics.?

? An $80K, one-year SZI-Clark Seed Funding grant to establish a collaboration with Dr. Diego Preciado of Children?s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C., ?Magnetic Delivery of Drugs to the Middle Ear without Ear Drum Puncture.?

? A $100K, one-year TEDCO Maryland Innovation Initiative grant, "Treatment of Otitis Media without Ear Drum Puncture," with Dr. Diego Preciado of Children?s National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

Related Articles:
Depireux, Masri win $25K UMB UMVentures Award
Shapiro Promoted to Full Professor

January 17, 2013

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