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Winning research papers from MSE, ME and BioE

1st place Jane Cornett

“Thermoelectric Transport Phenomena in Semiconducting Nanostructures.”

Advisor: Professor Oded Rabin (Materials Science and Engineering)


2nd place Alek Nacev

“Magnetic Drug Targeting: Developing the Basics”

Advisor: Professor Ben Shapiro (BioEngineering)


3rd place Sagar Chowdhury

“Planning for Automated Optical Micromanipulation of Biological Cells”

Advisor: Professor S.K. Gupta (Mechanical Engineering)



2013 Dean's Master's Student Research Award Competition. The student, along with the title of their research and their advisor’s name, is listed below:


First Place: Nitinun Varongchayakul

Direct Observation of Amyloid Nucleation under Nanomechanical Stretching

Advisor: Professor Joonil Seog (MSE)


“Please join me in congratulating these students and their faculty advisors for their outstanding work,” Clark School dean Darryl Pines said in a statement. “Their research accomplishments are a testament to the level of scholarship produced by Clark School students and faculty members.”


The names of the first place winners will be added to the plaques in Martin Hall and in the Kim Building.


Pines also thanked members of the Clark School Board of Visitors and the department advisory boards who served as judges for the doctoral competition; and, for the Master’s competition, thanked members of the department advisory boards who served as judges, Associate Dean Peter Kofinas, and Ms. Christine Ford for coordinating this year’s competition.


April 30, 2013

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