July 27, 2024 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) has teamed up with University of Maryland (UMD) College Park and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to form a battery research center, the goal of which is to foster and accelerate collaborative research in advanced battery materials, technologies and characterization techniques.

The research is centered on batteries for extreme performance, environments and properties, such as defense, space and biomedical applications. Participation is open to universities, national labs and industry partners with an interest in beyond Li-ion batteries. The Center for Research in Extreme Batteries’ first formal meeting will be at the UMD Samuel Riggs Alumni Center on May 4, from 8 am to 6 pm, and welcomes interested participants and experts to discuss the newly established center dedicated to extreme batteries. The meeting is in partnership with the UMD Student Chapter of the Electrochemical Society.

“The center’s focus is university and national lab research that includes industry manufacturing, for beyond state-of-the-art Li-ion technologies,” said Cynthia Lundgren, chief of ARL’s electrochemistry program. “A steering committee has been formed to organize and commission the center and will be prepared to field questions towards participation.”

Posters and limited opportunities for oral presentations will foster discussion of current battery research, synergies with related research and the needs of end users of extreme batteries. Presentations and posters should highlight the specialties and capabilities of battery researchers and/or forecasts for significant forthcoming research directions within the scope of the battery center.

Organizations with requirements for extreme application batteries may make a presentation that highlight their requirements, current problems with meeting the needs and efforts in supporting the development of new batteries.

“Those with complementary research related to batteries should highlight their capabilities and synergies with extreme batteries,” Lundgren said.

The only fee to attend the meeting is $20 for lunch and refreshments. Required registration for presentations is open through April 20 and for attendance, through April 30.

For more information or to register, visit www.arl.army.mil/creb

Contact: Joyce P. Brayboy
Tel. 301/394-1178
Email: public_affairs@arl.army.mil

About the U.S. Army Research Laboratory: As an element of the Army Materiel Command and RDECOM, ARL is the nation’s premier laboratory for land forces with a mission to discover, innovate and transition science and technology to ensure dominate strategic land power.

April 17, 2015

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