Operational Status | ● Online | ||||||||||||||||||||
Description |
The JEOL JEM 2100 LaB6 TEM is a workhorse microscope for multi-purpose use. This transmission electron microscope provides solutions for a wide range of problems in many fields of science and ngineering, including nanomaterials, nanoscience, biological sciences, and medical sciences. The JEM-2100 TEM has three independent condenser lenses and produces the highest probe current for any given probe size. It also allows the user to select various illumination conditions, ranging from full convergent beam to parallel illumination. These functions enable improved analytical and diffraction capabilities in addition to high resolution imaging. The incorporation of the objective mini lens in the TEM with special modification provides the ability of performing Lorentz microscopy experiments. The JEM 2100 has been used for microstructure studies of a variety of materials, including biological and soft materials. With special specimen holders and TV and CCD cameras, it is also capable of carrying out high temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature in-situ studies for dynamic observation and experiments. The special cryo-TEM specimen holder also allows researchers to carry out 3-D tomography research. |
Location | AIM Lab | 1237B Kim Eng. Bldg. | ||||||||||||||||||||
Manufacturer |
JEOL JEM-2100 LaB6 Link |
Staff Contact |
Wen-An Chiou wachiou@umd.edu 301-405-0541 |
Rates | Large Commercial $182/hr Small Commercial / MTECH $132/hr External Non-profit / University $73/hr UMD $47/hr No Charge $0/hr |
Reservations |
Logs |
SOPs | |||||||||||||||||||||
Manuals | You must have lab permissions to view the manuals. Please login to view manuals or contact the lab staff to obtain permissions. |
Recipes |