July 27, 2024 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

Ten University of Maryland Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) faculty members are amongst the top 2% of world scientists according to a ranking methodology developed by a Stanford University professor, John Ioannidis, based upon scientific citation data since 1788.

Professors John Cumings, Liangbing Hu, Gottlieb Oehrlein, Gary Rubloff, Ichiro Takeuchi, Eric Wachsman, Manfred Wuttig and JC Zhao were ranked top 2% based on career-long citations. Professors Yifei Mo and Carlos Rios Ocampo were amongst top 2% based on the single year (2021) citation data. The worldwide scientists are classified into 22 scientific fields and 174 sub-fields. Professor Wachsman ranked top 0.09% in the field of energy with about 320,000 scientists; Prof. Zhao ranked 0.13% in the field of materials science with about 315,000 scientists; and Prof. Liangbing Hu ranked 0.22% in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology with about 90,000 scientists. Professors Gottlieb Oehrlein, Gary Rubloff, Ichiro Takeuchi and Manfred Wuttig were amongst the top 0.35% to 1% in the field of applied physics with about 380,000 worldwide scientists.

The detailed data and methodology can be found here: https://elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/5

January 3, 2023

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