[Article originally published 5/24/2005]
Small Times emphasized the importance of NIST's Advanced Measurement Laboratory (AML) in placing Maryland in 8th position in its March 2005 ranking of the states for micro- and nanotech. Maryland placed 5th in research and 2nd in workforce.
The analysis cited University of Maryland leverage and activities including Maryland NanoCenter. Here is an excerpt from the magazine:
"Having the best tools in its backyard likely will prove a recruiting tool for the University of Maryland system, which already supports the Maryland NanoCenter. The center encourages interdisciplinary research among its engineers, life scientists and physical scientists. The university system can claim a champion in Chancellor William Kirwan, who recently lobbied for $8 million in state funds for a nanobio initiative. He was rebuffed this year, but is reportedly looking at other options."
Full Article
September 1, 2005