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Play NanoDay's Quiz Bowl - Win $50!

Think you know all about your discipline? Challenge yourself and win a $50 gift card at NanoDay 2014's Quiz Bowl.

How It Works

  • Register for NanoDay 2014 (it's free)
  • Email mjheil@umd.edu the category of knowledge you would like to represent on the team:
    • Bioscience
    • Chemistry/Materials
    • Physics/Math
    • Computer Science/Engineering
    • Open to any placement.
  • Meet at 4:30 in the Rotunda on June 11. We'll give you a T-shirt and assign you to a team.
  • Give it your best shot!

Game Setup

Two teams of four will compete in each round. We expect there will be two rounds.

Then there will be a playoff round for the two winning teams.

The team that wins the playoff gets the prizes! $50 to each player. All participants can keep the T-shirt.


The moderator will ask a question open to both teams. You may buzz in at any time during the question. You may not confer with teammates on this answer.

If the answer given is wrong, the other team will get a chance to buzz in to answer. No conferring.

The team that answers correctly will then get a bonus question, for which they may confer on the answer.

One point awarded for each open question answered, two points for a bonus question.

Fifteen open questions will be asked during each round. The team with the most points wins!

Important dates

  • June 2 - Abstracts due
  • June 11 - NanoDay 2014
  • 11am - 2pm Poster Session
  • 4:30 - 5:30 Quiz Bowl & Poster Awards


Bruker Edax Tescan Hitachi FEI Company JEOL Angstrom Scientific

Colleges A. James Clark School of Engineering
The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

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