March 26, 2025 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab
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Director's Note

Welcome to the NanoCenter Hot Papers Newsletter. Every six months, this newsletter rounds up the most interesting and significant papers that include work done in the NanoCenter's AIM Lab or Fab Lab.

Each issue features a type of NanoCenter instrument in order to showcase its capabilities. The workhorse of any scientific institution, electron microscopes can be customized to provide various views of a material, including by XRD and XPS measurements and in-situ visualizations. Almost all of our publications this semester relied on electron microscopy and its technologies to pick out salient features in experimental materials. If you think these instruments can be useful to you, please contact the NanoCenter or myself.

Very truly,

Sang Bok Lee

Director, NanoCenter

Featured Instruments: Electron Microscopes
Bioinspired Solar‐Heated Carbon Absorbent for Efficient Cleanup of Highly Viscous Crude Oil

Yudi Kuang, Chaoji Chen, Guang Chen, Yong Pei, Glenn Pastel, Chao Jia, Jianwei Song, Ruiyu Mi, Bao Yang, Siddhartha Das, Liangbing Hu

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1900162

Exemplifying research at UMD in energy and environmental applications, this study combines natural sources and techniques for a high-tech answer to a pervasive problem.
Dynamic gating of infrared radiation in a textile

Xu A. Zhang, Shangjie Yu, Beibei Xu, Min Li, Zhiwei Peng, Yongxin Wang, Shunliu Deng, Xiaojian Wu, Zupeng Wu, Min Ouyang, YuHuang Wang

Science, 08 Feb 2019 : 619-623

Carbon nanotubes are used as an infrared-active device to coat textiles, allowing the metafibers to electromagnetically couple to the skin’s thermal output.

Revisiting the cold case of cold fusion
Curtis P. Berlinguette, Yet-Ming Chiang, Jeremy N. Munday, Thomas Schenkel, David K. Fork, Ross Koningstein, Matthew D. Trevithick
Nature 2019, 570, 45–51

Revealing the distribution of metal carboxylates in oil paint from the micro‐to nanoscale
Xiao Ma, Victoria Beltran, Georg Ramer, Georges Pavlidis, Dilworth Y. Parkinson, Mathieu Thoury, Tyler Meldrum, Andrea Centrone, Barbara H. Berrie
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 11652.

Vapor-Phase Strategy to Pillaring of Two-Dimensional Zeolite
Lu Wei, Kechen Song, Wei Wu, Scott Holdren, Guanghui Zhu, Emily Shulman, Wenjin Shang, Huiyong Chen, Michael R. Zachariah, Dongxia Liu
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 22, 8712-8716

Cellulose ionic conductors with high differential thermal voltage for low-grade heat harvesting
Tian Li, Xin Zhang, Steven D. Lacey, Ruiyu Mi, Xinpeng Zhao, Feng Jiang, Jianwei Song, Zhongqi Liu, Guang Chen, Jiaqi Dai, Yonggang Yao, Siddhartha Das, Ronggui Yang, Robert M. Briber, Liangbing Hu
Nature Materials 2019, volume 18, 608–613

3D microfluidics via cyclic olefin polymer-based in situ direct laser writing
Andrew C. Lamont, Michael A. Restaino, Matthew J. Kim, Ryan D. Sochol
Lab Chip 2019, 19, 2340-2345

Direct-Write Lithiation of Silicon Using a Focused Ion Beam of Li+
William R. McGehee, Evgheni Strelcov, Vladimir P. Oleshko, Christopher Soles, Nikolai B. Zhitenev, Jabez J. McClelland
ACS Nano 2019, 13, 7, 8012-8022

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