July 27, 2024 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

NanoDay 2016 & EM Workshops

Poster Topics

Below is a list of the poster topics that will be represented at this year's NanoDay. Posters will be available as PDFs after the conference.

  • Nanoparticles - Synthesis, Characterization, and Functionalization
  • Inorganic Nanomaterials and Applications
  • Nanomanufacturing & Hierarchial Nanoassembly
  • Nanomaterials for Energy Applications
  • Nanoelectronics
  • Polymer & Organic Nanomaterials, Composites, and Applications
  • Nano-bio: Science & Technology
  • Scientific Insights at the Nanoscale
  • Other

Poster Submitters

Submit a Poster

Use this form to submit your poster information.

Please fill in as much information as you can to make our search engine more accurate as this poster database grows.


We only require the Title, Author and Category info for our handouts for NanoDay. If your poster is not finished you can still submit this information so your poster will be included in the handouts and poster map.

Submitting a poster does NOT register you for NanoDay; please register for NanoDay 2016 here.


Please have your poster printed and mounted by May 17. We will be setting posters the morning of May 18.

Printing / Mounting

We are NOT printing but will have mounting boards for your posters. Our mounting boards are 40" x 32".

The Engineering Copy Center can print your posters.

Existing posters accepted.

When and Where to Deliver Your Posters

Please bring your posters to Room 1105 Jeong H. Kim Engineering Building on the morning of NanoDay, May 18, 2016. The poster session will be from 12:00pm - 2:30pm so make sure you arrive before then!

There you can pick up a poster board, clips, and your poster number and find out where to place it within the building.

Poster Layout


Bruker Edax Tescan Hitachi FEI Company JEOL Angstrom Scientific

Colleges A. James Clark School of Engineering
The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

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