March 9, 2025 UMD Home FabLab AIMLab

NanoDay 2016 & EM Workshops

Tuesday, May 17 Click here for details on the EM Workshops
8:00a - 9:00a Registration & Breakfast - Courtesy of Tescan Rotunda
9:00a - 9:10a Opening Lecture Hall
9:10a - 10:25a Electron Microscopy talks Lecture Hall
10:25a - 10:45a Coffee break - Courtesy of Tescan Rotunda
10:45a - 12:00p Electron Microscopy talks
12:00p - 1:00p Lunch - Courtesy of Tescan Rotunda
1:00p - 2:50p Electron Microscopy talks
2:50p - 3:10p Coffee break - Courtesy of Tescan Rotunda
3:10p - 5:00p Electron Microscopy talks
Wednesday, May 18
7:00a - 8:00a Registration & Breakfast Rotunda
8:00a - 10:00a Plenary 1 - Quantum Physics Lecture Hall
8:00a - 8:30a Welcome - Gary Rubloff, John Cumings
8:30a - 9:15a Steve Rolston University of Maryland, Joint Quantum Institute The Second Quantum Revolution?
9:15a - 10:00a Mohammad Hafezi University of Maryland Photonic nanostructures: topologically robust transport
10:00a - 10:30a Coffee break Rotunda
10:30a - 12:00p Plenary 2 - Energy Storage Lecture Hall
10:30a - 11:15a Esther Takeuchi Stony Brook University Advancing Energy Storage through Materials: The need for multiscale investigation from the molecular to the mesoscale
11:15a - 12:00p Marina Leite University of Maryland Imaging the mesoscale behavior of materials for energy harvesting and storage
12:00p - 1:00p Lunch Rotunda
12:00p - 2:30p Activities

Poster Session First and Second Floor Hallways

Information Fair East Hallway

Fab Lab & AIM Lab Self-Guided Tours 2302 & 1237 Kim

2:00p - 2:30p Coffee Break Rotunda
2:30p - 3:15p Plenary 3 - Nanomanufacturing Lecture Hall
2:30p - 3:15p Alexander Liddle NIST CNST Nanomanufacturing
3:15p - 4:00p Poster Awards


Bruker Edax Tescan Hitachi FEI Company JEOL Angstrom Scientific

Colleges A. James Clark School of Engineering
The College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences

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